
August WARDian of the Month: Pants!

Published Wed 12 Aug 2020


How did you first hear about roller derby?

I saw Whip It circa 2010, which is the best and worst example of roller derby that exists haha. Ignoring the now clear safety concerns, it still hits you right in the feels. Be your own hero!

What is something that you know about roller derby now that you wish you knew when you first started?

Honestly, nothing. I have spent a decade in this sport (mainly off skates haha) and if you'd have told me about all the blood, sweat, tears and regrowing of bones, I would have gotten too scared and never gotten to achieve the HUGE feats of greatness that I have. Also, I swore I'd never be President and look where I am 🤦‍ NO SPOILER ALERTS. Just know derby will be hard, yet rewarding, and it'll be easier to achieve it.

What is the roller derby goal you are working towards right now?

TGSS 2021. Not gonna lie but the 'rona gave me an extra year to work towards a pretty lofty 2020 goal so its a nice silver lining to the pandemic that I might actually achieve it haha

What do you do to keep your derby brain switched on?

Mate, I get my butt to training haha. When watching past game footage I get distracted pretty easily from the strategy and gameplay and tend to look at officials and stuff (once an NSO, always an NSO) so I get my learning from doing.... and omg ASK QUESTIONS. There are so many rules it doesn't even matter that you used to know it and forgot now, just ask it again!

Who in WARD is inspiring you at the moment?

Everyone is. Coming back post COVID is really hard. Numbers are lower, the effort is harder, and every person who shows up to training deserves a shout out. Dont forget to send love to the folks at home who haven't made it back yet either, this stuff was unprecedented and everyone moves at their own pace. You'll catch more flies with honey, not vinegar :p

What keeps you enthused about roller derby?

FOMO with a strong hint of jealousy. Ain't nothing more motivating than seeing people do stuff you want to be good at 💪. Plus, the gym helps. Not wanting to die after every jam is pretty exciting.

Who do you nominate as our next WARDian of the Month?

Bill, he lives with skates on his feat and helps out now one, not two, but THREE leagues (I think.... it could be more). He played back to back jams for a whole scrim recently. That guy needs a medal! Or at least a jam off haha. Support him by going to Scrim for DAYS in September!






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