
June WARDian of the Month: Hades!

Published Wed 06 Oct 2021


How did you first hear about roller derby? 

I saw a picture of a friend at a derby match just around the corner from where I lived. I had been looking for a new sport to start, and I had been a junior speed skater way back in my youth, so I thought it would be fun!
What is something that you know about roller derby now that you wish you knew when you first started? 

How much strategy goes into the game! When I started playing I became a jammer very quickly, and thought it was just about running away from people. Now I love the strategy and intelligence of the game - it makes me feel like there is always something to learn.
What is a roller derby goal you are working towards right now? 

Right now I'm taking a bit of a derby break, and focusing on skating for fun - but also coaching. There is an amazing group of skaters coming through right now that are so keen, and watching them pick up a new skill is so rewarding. 
What do you do to keep your derby brain switched on? 

Spending time coaching and assessing helps me remember how to break skills down, and to remember why we do things. There is so much to learn that making sure you can explain it to others keeps me switched on. But I really miss watching derby tournaments from all over the world - everyone should be watching old games on YouTube because the game makes so much more sense when you see it happening. And its so inspirational to see some of these athletes.
Who in WARD is inspiring you at the moment? 

Given its super hard to really strive for games and travel in derby right now - I am always impressed by the energy the captains manage to keep towards trying to keep people motivated, and improving. And the newest level threes as a group are just amazing - it keeps me coming back.
What keeps you enthused about roller derby? 

The people - it is such an amazing, diverse group of people and I have made some fantastic friends.
Who do you nominate as our next WARDian of the Month? 



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