
May WARDian of the Month: Brawla!

Published Mon 13 Sep 2021

How did you first hear about roller derby?

A while back I saw a flyer for a bout at the Midvale Speed Dome and convinced some of my friends to come and watch a game with me for my birthday, no one else was interested and I left it at that. A few years later my sister-in-law saw a sign-up flyer for WARD and asked if I was interested, we went along and signed up together. 

What is something that you know about roller derby now that you wish you knew when you first started?

I knew nothing about skating or roller derby, so any information or knowledge would have been helpful, but I guess knowing everyone's journey is different and not to compare yourself to others. Be happy with your own success, no matter how small or insignificant it seems at the time.

What is the roller derby goal you are working towards right now?

Short term is to get back onto skates and rebuild my fitness now bubs is here. Long term is to become confident in my skill set and to play an interstate tournament. 

What do you do to keep your derby brain switched on?

Occasionally if I have time I will watch games on YouTube, but mostly I like to watch all skaters at various levels and figure out why or how each skater approaches different skills. Also attending training in any capacity eg. skater, NSO, coach helps too. 

Who in WARD is inspiring you at the moment?

So many people. Legs and her ability to get so low. Beers who can cover the track and stick to jammers like glue. Vector and his electronic devices. New level 3s for helping out with coaching. Salty and Shan for taking their injuries in their strides. I could go on...

What keeps you enthused about roller derby?

The WARD community 

Who do you nominate as our next WARDian of the Month?

Legs, she is such a ball of joy and enthusiasm, she makes derby so much fun.


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