
November WARDian of the Month: Comatoast!

Published Wed 06 Jan 2021


How did you first hear about roller derby?

I first heard about it late 2019 through my housemate who was wanting to try it out but didn't want to go alone. For the first six weeks I thought roller derby was a ball sport and the coaches (specifically Tiny) were unimpressed when I asked when we would get to start using a ball. I had no clue what a game looked like. At the time I was just there to improve my fitness for horse riding, and for a bit of fun supporting my housemate. Little did I know it would soon become central to my life or how much I would love it.

What is something that you know about roller derby now that you wish you knew when you first started?

I didn't know how helpful roller derby would be to my mental health and day-to-day wellbeing. Being part of the community and attending training has improved my life immensely and helped me get through some dark spaces. The WARD community is one of the best sporting communities that I've encountered. I wish I knew not to be shy to jump in straight away with NSOing and volunteering in level 1.

What is the roller derby goal you are working towards right now?

Learning strategy, especially pack strategy, increasing point differential, and jam start strategy. It's fascinating and I'm realising I'm not very useful to my team without it. 

What do you do to keep your derby brain switched on?

I'm still a baby when it comes to playing and understanding roller derby. Simply paying attention to the brilliant coaches, players, and refs in WARD keeps my brain ticking.

Who in WARD is inspiring you at the moment?

Hades and Tiny are very inspiring slaters. I'm in awe when I watch them play. I would also love to learn to 1:1 block half as good as Bowie one day when I have a bit more balance. 

What keeps you enthused about roller derby?

Knowing that I'm still at the beginning of my journey: there's heaps of fun things ahead of me to learn, skills to practice, and people to get to know, keeps me enthused. lso just how fun training is, particularly our roller-ball game invented on Monday night training

Who do you nominate as our next WARDian of the Month?

I nominate HeadHunter: he's been consistently committed to being a helpful and encouraging team member to WARD members. Specifically because he has also stayed back late to let me accidently bruise his ankles while I practice apex jumps past him, helping out with wheels and skate queries, and that he's always been quietly and consistently supportive in many members' journeys.


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