
November WARDian of the Month: Rainbow RageRoller!

Published Wed 15 Dec 2021

How did you first hear about roller derby?

Paisley (a previous member) invited me to join so I could be more confident outdoors


What is something that you know about roller derby now that you wish you knew when you first started?

I wish I knew how much extra muscle is needed! 


What is a roller derby goal you are working towards right now?

My current derby goal is laterals! 


What do you do to keep your derby brain switched on?

Internal mantra of “you can do this” or cheering for others so I don’t think about what I’m doing! 


Who in WARD is inspiring you at the moment?

Squeals and Toast! 


What keeps you enthused about roller derby? 

Everyone I train with! Shout out to Lanky, Bondie, Slam, Mollie and Carmel! 


Who do you nominate as our next WARDian of the Month?

I nominate Fate! She’s been beyond helpful this month for me, so I know she’s working behind the scenes! 

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